An education is the road to success. But what happens when the traditional system just doesn’t work for a student? They can turn to North County Trade Tech High School, a vocational school designed to meet the fundamentally different learning needs of today’s students and the emerging workforce demands of San Diego’s building industries and trades.

Trade Tech not only provides the high level education needed to prepare students for post-secondary education, students also receive hands on training from industry leaders. With a proven skillset, Trade Tech graduates have a competitive edge over most high school graduates entering the labor pool. Even more impressive, Trade Tech possesses a 100 percent graduation rate.

TT donation picSince 2008, H.G. Fenton Company has proudly supported Trade Tech and has seen firsthand how successful its approach is. H.G. Fenton has hosted five Trade Tech student interns and even hired one full time.

“We’re so happy with what we’re seeing here,” Kari Prevost, H.G. Fenton’s executive vice president said. “The academy really is the future of education for our youth, especially for the industry that we are in, which is real estate and development.”

Read more about H.G Fenton’s partnership with North County Trade Tech High School and the institution’s impact on the greater San Diego region at the link below.

Donation offers more chances for opportunities– The Coast News